Whew! What a semester. From sunrise bike rides to schlepping
the boys to and from practices, I’ve hardly felt like I’ve had time to breathe.
I’ve neglected to a) keep my house clean, b) do any regular grocery shopping,
and c) complete any blog posts. So here I am catching you up on things, like:
1. I
got an awesome babysitting job at the beginning of the semester. It’s really
chilled and involves walking a dog, making sandwiches, and driving a teenager
and a pre-teen to and from various after school activities. It’s nice to be
making a little money without having a huge time commitment (since my classes
have been more than I bargained for).
2. I
got a bunny rabbit. Her name is Thistle and she is incredibly difficult to
photograph because she doesn’t stop moving, so this is the best I have:
I admit, this really wasn't the best time to get a rabbit, but how could I tell Daddy no? More importantly, how was Daddy going to tell me no?
3. I
nailed down an internship for the summer. IN NEW YORK! I’ll be working at a
health a fitness center to be disclosed at a later date, and I’ll be living in
an NYU dorm with roommates whose names (and genders) I still don’t know. I’m
really nervous and stressed about the whole thing, but I know once everything
actually gets started I’ll be so grateful for the opportunities presented to
In the meantime I have to pack for New York (leaving May 25)
and move out of my townhouse at school, because my lease will be up while I’m
away. I also get to hang out with my roommates and help throw a bachelorette
party for Cee, so there’s lots going on, but it’s all good stuff.
What are you doing
this summer?