Sunday, June 30, 2013

But like, David Tennant though

Today has been the most random laziness ever. And lots of pinterest.

I woke up around 9, but didn't turn the lights on until after noon (sorry not sorry), then I just kind of accumulated a list of things to do today, but of course the only one I accomplished was going to Target (I never miss a chance to go to Target). When I got home from Target, I randomly wanted to play Animal Crossing on gamecube, so after some searching and plugging, I was well on my way to Nagasaki (my brother named our town seven years ago). It felt like eighth grade all over again, and I loved every minute of it. 

Now I'm watching Doctor Who with David Tennant as the Doctor. He's my favorite incarnation of the Doctor, not that I have anything against any of the other actors, they just aren't David. If you know anything about the show or Tennant, you'll probably understand why. He grew up watching the show, and has even cited it as his reason for becoming an actor, then he got to live his dream and play the character he loved so much. Not only that, but he married the daughter of one of the other men to play the Doctor, who also played his daughter in the show. It sounds weird and crazy, but that's why I love it. I guess what we can learn from him is that we can achieve our dreams even when they sound absolutely insane. If you're confused by any of this, go over to wikipedia and do your research.

There you have it ladies and gents, the Doctor and Rose Tyler.

Do you watch Doctor Who? Who's your favorite Doctor and/or Companion?

Thanks for reading,

PS: Check me out on Pinterest

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A few of my favorite distractions.

I started this blog for a few reasons, one of which is a real tough time I've been going through lately about which I'm not going into detail here. When I'm not writing, I use the "fake it 'til you make it" way of coping. This involves distracting myself and finding things that make me laugh. Right now my favorite distractions are: my favorite blog, kind of my inspiration for this blog
Cabin Pressure: an hilarious Radio programme from BBC Radio 4

These things have seriously gotten me through some rough stuff-not in a deep emotional way necessarily, but by getting my mind off, well everything. College Prep kind of gives me something to relate to. Carly (the author) has great style and work ethic, and I really do look up to her in a way (seriously, the girl lives in New York and has a pink couch, is that not every girl's dream?). Cabin Pressure is absolutely wonderful; it's filled with witty, not completely dry, British humor, but not lost on Americans, and I love it.

What are your favorite distractions? Any blog recommendations? 

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What Summer is for.

My friends Cee and Jayce are getting married in 363 days. Cee's 21st birthday was yesterday. This weekend we celebrated both. Some of the bridesmaids and some of the friends trekked to Kemah, Texas on Friday to enjoy the boardwalk and each others' company. For Bun Bun and me that meant driving 5 hours instead of the usual 2.5, but it was totally and completely 100% worth it. Bun and I missed out on the boardwalk, but that's okay because we've been there before, so the first activity for the whole group was Painting with a Twist where we painted pretty purple dresses (the color our bridesmaids' dresses will be). 

Here's Bun behind her easel. Every time we completed a step of the painting, the instructor told us to have a drink, so we did ;) 

Here's my painting progress montage. Follow me on Vine and Instagram for more evidence of a great weekend.

Lots of alcohol and a Xanax (for a girl who legit needed it) later, we did the night life thing. Perfect 21st celebration for Cee: shot at midnight, DJ shout out, vomiting in the girls' room, taking a glass from a sketchy restaurant/bar. Back to the hotel where Cee, Bun, and I had some girl time just like when we were in high school. We woke up to birthday cake and already-been-paid-for room service for breakfast before driving back home. We all had a great time and made new friends out of the weekend, and I can't wait for the real bachelorette party next summer.

In my opinion, weekends like these are exactly what summer is about: having fun, hanging out with old friends, and making new friends.

How do you like to spend summer weekends? What did you do this weekend?


PS: find me on instagram and twitter: kbannemarie
PPS: I'll be updating you with summer school outfits soon, but for a sneak peak, check out my instagram.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Delayed Daddy's Day post (in other words: fan-girling over my own father)

So ever since I started thinking about blogging I've wanted to write a post about my daddy. He's absolutely fantastic. Seriously. After getting his first degree (agriculture, because he's a little bit country) he finally realized that what he really wanted to do for the rest of his life was teach. So he went back to school, got a teaching certificate, started teaching elementary school, and somewhere in there he also got a Master's degree and did a little bit more schoolin'. He loves his job, ask anyone. He gets to school at about 6 each morning (which involved dragging my brother and me out of bed and up to school that early until we were old enough to drive/in boarding school) (also, other teachers don't usually get there until 7 or maybe later), and stays until 3:30 or 4, that's when he isn't tutoring, holding quiz bowl practice, or coaching the robotics team. Also, since he went from teaching fifth grade to sixth grade science (about eight years ago), he started helping coach the athletic teams, which is great for him because he's always enjoyed sports (even though he was a scrawny little thing as a kid), and he loves being an educator. He's a great teacher, some students have even told him he's kind of like an uncle to them (which I find a little creepy, but I know they mean well).

Enough about his second job, his first job is Daddy. I'm twenty years old and yes, I still call him Daddy. He and my mom met in college at the Catholic Student Center (seriously, how cute?) and got married in a fever. They wanted five kids; they had five kids, but only two were fortunate enough to see their wonderful faces. Fast forward to my childhood and I've got the sweetest daddy in the world and all my friends knew it because he was their teacher in fifth grade. He would (and still does) take me to the fair, buy us little treats like a coloring book or M&M's at the ballpark, but he didn't spoil us with material things, he spoiled us with his love. He loves doing special projects with us like making bean boxes (another post for another day), taking us on errands with him, pointing out his favorite plants and animals (he majored in ag, of course he has favorites), and most recently he helped me paint my room pink after telling me he wasn't going to help me (#princessperks). Most importantly my dad has been there for me during some of the hardest times in my life. The past six or so months I've been dealing with an all new type of problem, and on no less than two occasions he's driven across the state just to make sure I'm okay and lift my spirits. 

I could go on and on about everything my father has done for me and my brother, how good of a husband he is to my mom, and a great son to my grandparents, but I doubt you would want to read that.

People often say girls marry men like their father, well I can only hope to be so lucky. He's sweet and loving and caring and everything a girl deserves. 

What do you love about your dad or father figure?


PS here's some pictures of my hero

 Yes we have a tv in the kitchen, yes he sits like this often.
 How cute!
 His high school FFA jacket.
 Working on my car, extremely cramped.
Obviously this is before I was born, but check out that 90's family!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


In General:
Reading: Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Watching: Supernatural, season 5

Listening: Take a Vacation! by The Young Veins and Cabin Pressure, a BBC Radio show with Benedict Cumberbatch

Right this actual minute:
Wearing: Ralph Lauren pajamas 

Not doing: reading textbooks

My view:

I don't know if you're actually interested in this much detail of my life, but I love when my favorite bloggers write detailed posts like this. Kind of a way to bond anonymously (that sounds a bit creepy actually, but I assure you that was not my intention).

What are you up to? Any book, tv, movie, or music recommendations?

Thanks for reading,

Monday, June 10, 2013


There was really only one run-in with lederhosen today (while watching Supernatural and pretending I didn't have to go to school), but my teachers' names are Johannsen and van Gemmert, so perhaps one of them has experience with lederhosen. I just really couldn't think of anything else to title this post.

Anyway, my classes seem to be on the manageable side this summer, so I'm challenging myself to not repeat an outfit for the next seven and a half weeks (the duration of summer semester) since I have both lectures every day. This also means no norts/frocket days either (well, we'll see). I'll take a picture every day for my own reference, and I'll be sure to post highlights. Wish me luck.

Have you ever tried to see how long you can go without repeating an outfit? How successful were you? Any tips?


PS: during the day there are about a million things I want to write about, then when I finally sit down to write I can't remember a single one of them. So frustrating.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Back in the Red Stick

I've returned to Baton Rouge today because summer term starts tomorrow. I've been looking forward to it, because I've been so bored and under stimulated, but today I remembered that I have to walk around campus with two textbooks and a laptop in my backpack in nearly 100 degree/80% humidity and/or thunderstorms everyday. I'm still excited to be doing something with my time though. I'm also excited about my classes: exercise physiology and motor learning, but for some reason I can't bring myself to take school seriously when I could be laying by the pool all day. I guess I'll see how it goes.

On a more positive note, I got to babysit the cutest little ones today, which is always fun. I also got to catch up with Baby Car since I haven't seen her in two weeks (she was in Georgia for a week, then I was back home for a week). We did some unsuccessful shopping, but still had a good time. 

I start a new adventure tomorrow (summer school), and that means I need a new manicure, so nighty night.


Friday, June 7, 2013

I know I'm spoiled, and I'm okay with that.

I've been begging Daddy Dearest to let me paint my room for the longest time, and I finally picked a color recently, so he relented to buying the paint for me on the condition that I do all the work, which I totally planned on doing and thus agreed to immediately. So yesterday we went out in two different thunderstorms to find the most reasonably priced paint with no problems other than my getting soaking wet. We started prepping the walls and I started painting my closet doors, then we decided to call it a night. This morning I was woken up by the sound of sandpaper on the walls, and next thing I knew, Dad was painting the whole room for me. No complaints here. As I was putting the second coat on the doors and Dad was putting a second coat on the walls, I turned some music on. Without saying anything to my dad, I picked Elton John because we both love his music (Daddy even took me to an Elton John concert a couple months ago #sospoiled). A couple songs into the greatest hits album this exchange happened:

Dad: Is this guy trying to sound like Elton John?
Me: Daddy, this is Elton John. It's his greatest hits. It's your cd.
Dad: Oh, he sounds too young.
Me: ...

So needless to say, we had a great time painting and singing. Now everything is painted, and I'm just waiting for it to dry so I can move all my furniture back in.


PS: Here's a sneak peak at the colors:

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I absolutely love summer storms; I think it has to do with my three years as a lifeguard and getting to temporarily close the pools and goof off while waiting for the storm to pass. I love how the sky can go from blue with only a few white clouds to solid graphite grey in half an hour, the temperature drops noticeably, and the thunder rattles the windows. I've got a great view of the storm outside the window by my childhood desk at my parents' house which is quite funny because in my childhood I was never actually able to sit at my desk because it was always covered with junk (I had a problem cleaning my room). I still have a problem cleaning my room, but it leans in the other direction: I'm obsessed with having a clean room. I even tried to force my mom to let me clean her hobby room, and it resulted in a heated argument. Anyway, this post is supposed to be about yesterday's events, so I'll start with a picture.

Yesterday I got to take a nice break from everything and just relax by the pool with my friend Cee, and it was exactly what I've been needing. It got a little cloudy, so we decided to get dressed and go to Target, which may have been our best idea ever: we both found great deals on clothes we'll definitely get a lot of use out of. I got some chino shorts (because you can never have too many), a neat little shirt for four bucks, and this gem (it was only $11!):

Then we went back to the pool, but this time with Cee's fiancĂ©, our friend Cam, and pink moscato (you can't go wrong with pink wine). Lots of fun, lots of catching up, and a much needed friend-therapy session (details later). These three people really are some of the very best friends I've had ever, and they've helped me through some extremely difficult times. I love them dearly, and even though I don't get to see them often, whenever I do see them, it's like we were never apart.