I woke up around 9, but didn't turn the lights on until after noon (sorry not sorry), then I just kind of accumulated a list of things to do today, but of course the only one I accomplished was going to Target (I never miss a chance to go to Target). When I got home from Target, I randomly wanted to play Animal Crossing on gamecube, so after some searching and plugging, I was well on my way to Nagasaki (my brother named our town seven years ago). It felt like eighth grade all over again, and I loved every minute of it.
Now I'm watching Doctor Who with David Tennant as the Doctor. He's my favorite incarnation of the Doctor, not that I have anything against any of the other actors, they just aren't David. If you know anything about the show or Tennant, you'll probably understand why. He grew up watching the show, and has even cited it as his reason for becoming an actor, then he got to live his dream and play the character he loved so much. Not only that, but he married the daughter of one of the other men to play the Doctor, who also played his daughter in the show. It sounds weird and crazy, but that's why I love it. I guess what we can learn from him is that we can achieve our dreams even when they sound absolutely insane. If you're confused by any of this, go over to wikipedia and do your research.
There you have it ladies and gents, the Doctor and Rose Tyler.
Do you watch Doctor Who? Who's your favorite Doctor and/or Companion?
Thanks for reading,
PS: Check me out on Pinterest
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