Thursday, July 11, 2013

Test taking

Until about 11th grade, I never really had to study for tests; not to sound my own horn, but I was smart. Receiving the information in class, then doing a worksheet or homework on the material was usually enough. Then pre-cal, AP English, AP Bio, and AP Calc happened. They were challenging, but my teachers were also forgiving, and eventually senioritis set in and I wasn't bovvered. 

Fast forward to college and I still don't know how to study properly: I'll make notecards, rewrite the lectures in my own words, sometimes even read the actual textbook (not very often though), but I find it hard to focus and/or apply the material in an understandable way. These summer classes are quite common sense based or based on things I've known since high school, so I've found it difficult to take them seriously so far. I'm still a decent test taker, so my grades aren't bad, but they aren't great either. I've got plenty time to study, I just can't find the will because I don't know how to study effectively. 

Anyone out there have any tips on studying? Leave them in the comments if you please.


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