Monday, August 12, 2013

Cameron Frye is my spirit animal

Maybe the introvert/extrovert, Myers-Briggs classification of personalities is some new-agey millennial crap, but I sure do relate to almost every characteristic attributed to introverts in most articles I read. For example:

mostly accurate
crude but accurate
number 18 though
extremely informative

Yeah, so that sums me up.

So Sister came to visit me this weekend. And she brought friends, no big deal because I knew ahead of time. I like having guests stay over (#pearlsinprogress), but I do find it extremely draining. I was prepared though because my house means I'm in charge right? Wrong. They wanted me to "go with the flow" which really isn't my style, especially since they didn't let me drive, even though I was the only one who knew her way around town. Exhausting. I did have fun this weekend, but I'm also guilty of sneaking away from the group to call my dad on the phone more than once. In the same day.

The thing is, I, in true introvert form, get my energy from being alone. I do enjoy the company of others, but because it's so taxing energetically, I need to gain something from the interaction, like a laugh or the feeling that my contribution and presence is appreciated, and this usually (but not always) comes from being in a small group of people I know or can relate to. However, that wasn't the case for a lot of this weekend; it was like I was giving them all my energy and receiving very little in return, being ignored even, which eventually lead to a panic attack so I had to retreat for a while. So I sat out a free trip to New Orleans, but I don't regret it one bit. I've had time to recharge, clean the house, write a couple blog posts for the queue, and watch Doctor Who (seriously great show for introverts...and extroverts, in short: everyone should watch).

We like our "shells." They're there for a reason. We don't need to be rescued. 

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? How do you accommodate your friends of the opposite personality? Do you even accept the dichotomy?


PS: I totally have the "resting bitch face" mentioned in the above articles. Love buzzfeed.

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