Saturday, November 30, 2013


So you know I love John Green and his book The Fault in Our Stars, so when production began and he started posting pictures and whatnot from set, I was all over that. The first post I saw was Shailene Woodley's  haircut. Obviously I was inspired to do the same. It took a little courage-plucking-up, but I finally did it:

I mentioned it in a post before, but I wanted to take more time to talk about it.

At first I considered doing it, but then thought "well what good is that going to do? I can give a kid a wig, but I can't cure her cancer." But I got to thinking about it some more in the context of watching lots of vlogbrothers videos, and thought about their ongoing mission to decrease world-suck, then I came to the conclusion that I can't cure that little girl's cancer, but I can make her feel a little bit more normal when she looks in the mirror, and that's more important than my having super long hair. That's my small contribution to decreasing world-suck. For now. We'll see where this goes.

Have you done something for others lately? Have you ever donated your hair?


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